Sunday, January 6, 2013

Baby Caddy

16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas
This painting is of a friends Grandson.  Seeing the picture of this baby on her desk, just about every day at work made me want to paint this.  His eyes are so full of glimmer, and light!

Great Wall of China

16"x24" water color, then acrylic, then gloss polyurethane on canvas.
The thick water color painted on first gives this painting a crackled texture which adds interest in an aged look.  This painting was given to a friend who has talked about the idea of some day living in an Asian country.

Grandma and Cali

12"x15" acrylic on canvas
This is My Dear Grandma with one of her great grandchildren at her feet.  They are both soaking in a basin of hot water.  My Grandma is no longer physically with us, but remains in our heart and minds.  The thought of this picture is fading from her dining room into a dream like ocean view background.